
新闻链接:关于立即宣布Covid-19疫苗为全球公共产品的请愿 ---本次活动网站







Declare COVID-19 Vaccine A Global Common Good Now


We, the undersigned, make this joint appeal to all the global leaders, international organizations, and governments to adopt legal measures and make official statements declaring COVID-19 vaccines as a Global Common Good, free from any patent right belonging to anyone. The signatories below include Nobel Laureates and Nobel Laureates Organizations, civil society leaders, and world moral leaders from all over the globe.

1. 自由获得疫苗的全民权利



Our right to health can be guaranteed only by our duty to health, both on an individual and collective level. As a priority, there is a need for our conceptual recognition, and actual translation into action, of our responsibilities.  As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc across Mother Earth, there is an explosion of research activities and clinical trials to find cures and vaccines. Indeed, everyone converges on the idea that ultimately the only way to definitively eradicate the pandemic is to have a vaccine that can be administered to all the inhabitants of the planet, urban or rural, men or women, living in rich or poor countries.


The pandemic clearly exposes the strengths and weaknesses of healthcare systems in different countries, as well as the obstacles and inequities of access to healthcare. The effectiveness of the upcoming vaccination campaign will depend on its universality.


Governments, foundations, international financial organizations like the World Bank and the regional development banks should work out details of how to make the vaccines available free of cost. 


We appeal to governments, foundations, charity organizations, philanthropist individuals, and social businesses (that is, businesses which are created to solve people’s problems without taking any personal profit out of them) to come forward to produce and/or distribute the vaccines all over the world. 


We invite all social, political, and health entities to re-affirm our collective responsibility for the protection of all vulnerable persons related to poverty, discrimination, gender, illness, loss of autonomy or functionality, or age.

2. 确定研究投资回报率的透明度 



The research for a vaccine is a long process. The estimated time for development of a COVID-19 vaccine is about 18 months or less, which would be an absolute speed record.

    这项研究需要巨大的经济投资。许多从事疫苗研究的私营部门研究实验室将期待他们的投资回报。 我们必须制定一个明确的程序来确定这一回报的公平水平,以换取将疫苗归入公共领域。出于这个原因,私营部门,科学家和当局发出的信息,需要及时,准确,清晰,完整和透明。研究成果应开放给公共领域,使其可用于给予,且仅适用于,承诺愿意在严格的国际监管监督下运作的任何生产设施。 

This research needs immense economic investments. Many private sector research laboratories who are engaged in the vaccine research will be expecting a return on their investments. We must work out an unambiguous procedure to determine what would be a fair level of this return in exchange for putting the vaccine in the public domain. For this reason, information issued by the private sector, scientists, and authorities, needs to be timely, accurate, clear, complete, and transparent. The research results should be in the public domain, making it available to any production facility that pledges to operate under strict international regulatory supervision and only to such facilities.

3. 行动计划


    我们敦促世界卫生组织在Covid-19疫苗上设计世界行动计划。 我们呼吁他们建立一个负责监测疫苗研究的国际委员会,并确保对所有国家的疫苗和在公开宣布的预定时间范围内的所有人群都能够平等获取。 

We urge the World Health Organization to design a World Action Plan on COVID-19 vaccine. We appeal to them to set up an international committee responsible for monitoring the vaccine research and to assure equal access to the vaccine for all countries and all people within a publicly announced pre-determined time frame.

    我们呼吁所有世界领导人,联合国秘书长,世卫组织总干事,宗教领袖,社会领导人,道德领导人,研究实验室领导,制药公司和媒体领导人携手共进,以确保在比 Covid-19疫苗实际生产和分配阶段早的多的时间就先达成在全球范围自由且普遍获得的国际共识。 

We appeal to all world leaders, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Director General of the World Health Organization, religious leaders, social leaders, moral leaders, leaders of  research laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, and media leaders to join hands to ensure that in the case of COVID-19 vaccine we have a global consensus for free universal access, far ahead of its actual production and distribution.

签署人列表 (仅列出诺奖得主及前国家元首,完整名单参见篇首链接):

诺贝尔奖获得者个人及组织 Nobel laureates

1 Sir Richard J.Roberts 1993 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, Chairman of Laureate Science Alliance

2Muhammad Yunus 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate

3 Lech Walesa 1983 Nobel Peace Laureate, Former President of Poland

4 Edmond Henri Fischer 1992 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine

5 Peter C. Doherty 1996 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine

6 Elizabeth Blackburn 2009 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine

7 Ouided Bouchamaoui 2015 Nobel Peace Laureate with the Tunisian Quintet

8 Mohamed Fadhel Mahfoudh2015 Nobel Peace Laureate with the Tunisian Quintet

9Máiread Maguire 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate

10 Adolfo Perez Esquivel 1980 Nobel Peace Laureate

11 Mikhail Gorbachev 1990 Nobel Peace Laureate

12 Archbishop Desmond Tutu1984 Nobel Peace Laureate

13 Rigoberta Menchu 1992 Nobel Peace laureate

14 José Ramos Horta 1996 Nobel Peace Laureate

15 Bishop C. F. X. Belo 1996 Nobel Peace Laureate

16 Jody Williams 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate

17 Shirin Ebadi 2003 Nobel Peace Laureate

18 Mohammed Al Baradei 2005 Nobel Peace Laureate

19 Tawakkol Karman 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate

20 Leymah Gbowee 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate

21 Malala Yousafzai 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate

22 Kailash Satyarthi 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate

23 Juan Manuel Santos 2016 Nobel Peace Laureate

24 Nadia Murad Basee Taha 2018 Nobel Peace Laureate

25 Denis Mukwege 2018 Nobel Peace Laureate

26 Lisa Pelletti Clark Co-President, The International Peace Bureau, 1910 Nobel Laureate in Peace

27 Sérgio DuartePresident, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 1995 Nobel Laureate in Peace

前国家领导人 Former Presidents & Prime Ministers

28 Emil Constantinescu 罗马尼亚总统 1996-2000

29 Ameenah Gurib-Fakim 毛里求斯总统 2015-2018

30 Tarja Halonen 芬兰总统 2000-2012

31 Mladen Ivanic 波黑总统 2014-2018

32 Gjorge Ivanov 北马其顿总统 2009-2019

33 Ivo Josipovic 克罗地亚总统 2010-2015

34 Aleksandr Kwasniewski 波兰总统 1995-2005

35 Petru Lucinschi 摩尔多瓦总统 1997-2001

36 Luiz I. Lula da Silva 巴西总统 2003-2011

37 Rexhep Meidani 阿尔巴尼亚总统 1997-2002

38 Bujar Nishani 阿尔巴尼亚总统 2012-2017

39 Roza Otunbayeva 吉尔吉斯斯坦总统 2010-2011

40 Rosen Plevneliev 保加利亚总统 2012-2017

41 Romano Prodi 欧盟理事会主席 1999-2004 意大利总理 1996-1998, 2006-2008

42 Vicente Fox Quesada 墨西哥总统 2000-2006

43 Mary Robinson 爱尔兰总统 1990-97

44 Rosalia Arteaga Serrano厄瓜多尔总统 1997

45 Petar Stoyanov 保加利亚总统 1997-2002

46 Vaira Vike-Freiberga 拉脱维亚总统 1999-2007

47 Filip Vujanovic 黑山共和国总统 2003-2018

48 Madame K. G. Kitarovic 克罗地亚总统 2015-2020

49 Viktor Yushchenko 乌克兰总统 2005-2010

50 Marie-Louise C. Preca 马耳他总统 2014-2019

51 Boris Tadic 塞尔维亚总统 2004-2012, 尼扎米·甘伽维国际中心董事

52 Shaukat Aziz 巴基斯坦总理 2004-2007

53 Marek Belka 波兰总理 2004-2005

54 Sali Berisha 阿尔巴尼亚总理 2005-2013, 总统 1992-97

55 Gordon Brown 英国首相 2007-2010

56 Helen Clark 新西兰总理 1999-2008

57 Mirko Cvetkovic 塞尔维亚总理 2008-2012

58 Jan Fisher 捷克共和国总理 2009-2010

59 Chiril Gaburici 摩尔多瓦总理 2015

60 Jadranka Kosor 克罗地亚总理 2009-2011

61 Zlatko Lagumdzija 波黑总理 2001-2002, 副总理兼外交部长 2012-2015

62 Yves Leterme 比利时首相 2008, 2009-2011

63 Peter Medgyessy 匈牙利总理 2002-2004

64 Mahathir Mohamad 马来西亚总理 1981-2003, 2018-2020

65 Djoomart Otorbaev 吉尔吉斯斯坦总理 2014-2015

66 Oscar Ribas Reig 安道尔首相 1982-84; 1990-94

67 Eka Tkeshelashvili 格鲁吉亚副总理 2010-2012

68 Petre Roman 罗马尼亚总理 (1989-1991)

69 Laimdota Straujuma 拉脱维亚总理 (2014-2016)