
新闻链接:四位发起人在《报业辛迪加》的公开信全文 ---《报业辛迪加》

新闻链接:70余位诺奖得主及各国前政要联合致信拜登,敦促美国暂停新冠疫苗的专利保护 ---《领研网》


新闻链接:美称将放弃新冠肺炎疫苗知识产权专利 中方:支持关注疫苗可及性问题 ---《中国新闻网》


    4 月14日, 一个由 177 位诺贝尔奖获得者和前世界领导人组成的小组致信美国总统拜登,敦促美国采取“紧急行动”,暂停对新冠疫苗的知识产权保护,以帮助提高全球接种率。


    4月16日,上述公开信的四位主要组织者:前新西兰总理海伦·克拉克(Helen Clark)、前英国首相戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)、诺贝尔奖获得者科学联盟(LSA)主席和1993年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者理查德·罗伯茨爵士(Sir Richard J. Roberts)及2001年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者约瑟夫·史蒂格里兹(Joseph E. Stiglitz)在被誉为 “世界上最具智慧的专栏”的报业辛迪加(Project Syndicate)平台联合发文:《拜登总统,请支持人民的疫苗》,全文刊发了这一重要的公开信件。


    令人骄傲的是,LSA科学家在推动新冠病毒疫苗全球泛用和平等获取上一直走在世界前列。早在2020年7月,以LSA罗伯茨主席和穆罕默德·尤努斯为代表的27位诺奖得主、来自138个国家和地区的40位前国家元首、85位国际组织首脑和万余名其他科学家和意见领袖共同签署了《将新冠疫苗宣布为全球公众产品的倡议》,率先呼吁全球各国将新冠肺炎疫苗作为公共产品,在保障科研投入的基本回馈的前提下将疫苗平等开放和提供给各国人民。这一行动迅速被联合国纳入其工作计划,2021年3月11日联合国秘书长古特雷斯正式发布Only Together宣传活动以鼓励全球在抗疫技术和疫苗的分享。



































Sir Richard J. Roberts - Nobel Prize laureate in Medicine (1993), Chief Scientific Officer of New England Biolabs, Chairman of Laureate Science Alliance, Trustee and former Chairman of Ocean Genome Legacy

Gordon Brown - Prime Minister (2007-2010) and Chancellor of the Exchequer (1997-2007) of the United Kingdom, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and Chair of the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity.

Helen Clark - Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999-2008) and administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, commissioner of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.

Joseph E. Stiglitz - Nobel Prize laureate in Economics (2001), University Professor at Columbia University, former chief economist of the World Bank (1997-2000) and chair of the US President’s Council of Economic Advisers, Lead author of the 1995 IPCC Climate Assessment, and co-chaired the international High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices.



Peter Agre – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2003);

Esko Aho – Prime Minister of Finland (1991-95);

Harvey J. Alter – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2020);

Hiroshi Amano – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2014);

Werner Arber – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1978);

Shaukat Aziz – Prime Minister of Pakistan (2004-07);

Rosalia Arteaga – President of Ecuador (1997);

Joyce Banda – President of the Republic of Malawi (2012-14);

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2008);

Sali Berisha – President of Albania (1992-97), Prime Minister (2005-13);

Valdis Birkavs – Prime Minister of Latvia (1993-94);

Elizabeth H. Blackburn – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2009);

Kjell Magne Bondevik – Prime Minister of Norway (1997-2000; 2001-05);

Ouided Bouchamaoui – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate with the Tunisian Quintet (2015);

Kim Campbell – Prime Minister of Canada (1993);

Mario R. Capecchi – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2007);

Fernando Henrique Cardoso – President of Brazil (1995-2003);

Martin Chalfie – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2008);

Joaquim Chissano – President of Mozambique (1986-2005);

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca – President of Malta (2014-19);

Emil Constantinescu – President of Romania (1996-2000);

Mairead Corrigan Maguire – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1976);

Mirko Cvetković – Prime Minister of Serbia (2008-12);

Luisa Diogo – Prime Minister of Mozambique (2004-10);

Peter Doherty – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1996);

Shirin Ebadi – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2003);

Mohamed ElBaradei – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2005);

François Englert – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2013);

Gerhard Ertl – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2007);

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1980);

Mohamed Fadhel Mahfoudh – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate with the Tunisian Quintet (2015); 

Andrew Z. Fire – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2006);

Edmond Henri Fischer – Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine (1992);

Jan Fischer – Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2009-10);

Joachim Frank – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2017);

Chiril Gaburici – Prime Minister of Moldova (2015);

Leymah Gbowee – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2011);

Andre Geim – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2010);

Sheldon Glashow – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (1979);

Joseph L. Goldstein – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1985);

Mikhail Gorbachev – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1990);

President of the Soviet Union (1985-1991);

David J. Gross – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2004);

Dalia Grybauskaitė – President of Lithuania (2009-19);

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim – President of Mauritius (2015-18);

Alfred Gusenbauer – Chancellor of Austria (2007-08);

Jeffrey Connor Hall – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2017);

John L. Hall – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2005);

Tarja Halonen – President of Finland (2000-12) ;

Leland H. Hartwell – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2001);

Richard Henderson – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2017);

Dudley R. Herschbach – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (1986);

Jules A. Hoffmann – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2011);

Roald Hoffmann – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (1981);

François Hollande – President of France (2012-17);

Tasuku Honjo – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2018);

Gerardus 't Hooft – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (1999);

Michael Houghton – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2020);

Robert Huber – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (1988);

Tim Hunt – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2001);

Louis J. Ignarro – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1998);

Dalia Itzik – President of Israel (2007) ;

Mladen Ivanić – President of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-18);

Gjorge Ivanov – President of North Macedonia (2009-19);

Elfriede Jelinek – Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature (2004);

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – President of Liberia (2006-18);

Mehdi Jomaa – Prime Minister of Tunisia (2014-15);

Brian D. Josephson – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (1973);

Ivo Josipović – President of Croatia (2010-15) ;

Takaaki Kajita – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2015);

Eric R. Kandel – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2000);

Tawakkol Karman – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2011);

Wolfgang Ketterle – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2001);

Kolinda Grabar Kitarović – President of Croatia (2015-20);

Roger D. Kornberg – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2006);

Jadranka Kosor – Prime Minister of Croatia (2009-11);

Leonid Kuchma – President of Ukraine (1994-2005);

Aleksander Kwaśniewski – President of Poland (1995-2005) ;

Finn E. Kydland – Nobel Prize in Economics (2004);

Ricardo Lagos – President of Chile (2000-06);

Zlatko Lagumdžija – Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-02) ;

Yuan T. Lee – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (1986);

Robert J. Lefkowitz – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2012);

Anthony J. Leggett – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2003);

Jean-Marie Lehn – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (1987);

Yves Leterme – Prime Minister of Belgium (2008, 2009-11) ;

Tomas Lindahl – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2015);

Petru Lucinschi – President of Moldova (1997-2001);

Igor Lukšić – Prime Minister of Montenegro (2010-12);

Roderick MacKinnon – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2003);

Mauricio Macri – President of Argentina (2015-19);

Moussa Mara – Prime Minister of Mali (2014-15);

Giorgi Margvelashvili – President of Georgia (2013-18);

Eric S. Maskin – Nobel Prize in Economics (2007);

John C. Mather – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2006);

Michel Mayor – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2019);

Arthur B. McDonald – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2015);

Péter Medgyessy – Prime Minister of Hungary (2002-04);

Rexhep Meidani – President of Albania (1977-2002) ;

Craig C. Mello – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2006);

Rigoberta Menchu – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1992);

Carlos Mesa – President of Bolivia (2003-05);

James Michel – President of the Seychelles (2004-16);

William E. Moerner – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2014);

Mario Monti – Prime Minister of Italy (2011-13);

Edvard Moser – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2014);

May-Britt Moser – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2014);

Denis Mukwege – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2018);

Herta Muller – Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature (2009);

Nadia Murad Basee Taha – Nobel Peace Laureate (2018);

Joseph Muscat – Prime Minister of Malta (2013-20);

Bujar Nishani – President of Albania (2012-17);

Ryoji Noyori – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2001);

Olusegun Obasanjo – President of Nigeria (1976-79; 1999-2007);

John O'Keefe – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2014);

Djoomart Otorbaev – Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan (2014-15);

Orhan Pamuk – Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature (2006);

JP Patterson – Prime Minister of Jamaica (1992-2006);

Edmund S. Phelps – Nobel Prize in Economics (2006);

William D. Phillips – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (1997);

Christopher A. Pissarides – Nobel Prize in Economics (2010);

Rosen Plevneliev – President of Bulgaria (2012-17);

John C. Polanyi – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (1986);

Romano Prodi – Prime Minister of Italy (1996-98; 2006-08);

Stanley B. Prusiner – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1997);

Jorge Tuto Quiroga – President of Bolivia (2001-02);

Iveta Radičová – Prime Minister of Slovakia (2010-12) ;

Venkatraman Ramakrishnan – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2009);

José Manuel Ramos-Horta – President of Timor-Leste (2007-12) and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1996);

Charles M. Rice – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2020);

Mary Robinson – President of Ireland (1990-97);

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero – President of the Government of Spain (2004-11);

Petre Roman – Prime Minister of Romania (1989-1991) ;

Michael Rosbash – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2017);

Juan Manuel Santos – President of Colombia (2010–18) and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2016);

Kailash Satyarthi – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2014);

Jean-Pierre Sauvage – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2016);

Brian P. Schmidt – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2011);

Gregg L. Semenza – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (2019);

Jenny Shipley – Prime Minister of New Zealand (1997-99);

Stanislav Shushkevich – President of Belarus (1991-94);

Vernon L. Smith – Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics (2002);

Wole Soyinka – Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature (1986);

Michael Spence – Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics (2001);

Sir James Fraser Stoddart – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2016);

Horst L. Stormer – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (1998);

Petar Stoyanov – President of Bulgaria (1997-2002);

Laimdota Straujuma – Prime Minister of Latvia (2014-16);

Alexander Stubb – Prime Minister of Finland (2014-15);

Boris Tadić – President of Serbia (2004-12);

Kip Stephen Thorne – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2017);

Susumu Tonegawa – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1987);

Martín Torrijos – President of Panama (2004-09);

Elbegdorj Tsakhia – President of Mongolia (2009-17) ;

Danilo Türk – President of Slovenia (2007-12) and President of Club de Madrid;

Desmond Tutu – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1984);

Cassam Uteem – President of Mauritius (1992-2002);

Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga – President of Latvia (1999-2007) and Co-Chair Nizami Ganjavi International Center;

Filip Vujanović – President of Montenegro (2003-18);

Lech Wałęsa – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1983); President of Poland (1990-95);

Arieh Warshel – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2013);

Torsten N. Wiesel – Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine (1981);

Jody Williams – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1997);

M. Stanley Whittingham – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2019);

Sir Gregory P. Winter – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2018);

Robert Woodrow Wilson – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (1978);

Kurt Wuthrich – Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2002);

Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo – Nobel Peace Laureate (1996);

Malala Yousafzai – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2014);

Muhammad Yunus – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2006);

Viktor Yushchenko – President of Ukraine (2005-10);

Valdis Zatlers – President of Latvia (2007-11)